Partner Registration

IBL provides an effective platform for companies to demonstrate leadership on Responsible Business in Indonesia.

Benefit & Advantage

  • Enhance reputation in Indonesia (and internationally) as a responsible corporate citizen through its active participation in IBL program activities;
  • Improve human resources capacity through participation in IBL training/workshops;
  • Enhance networking among reputable blue-chip companies in Indonesia (and internationally), as well as other stakeholders (government and civil society);
  • Obrtain free access to information on local and international CSR-related/events and issues;
  • Obtain free facilitation on CSR self-assessment and benchmarking;
  • Obtain access to competitive services on CSR-related development and partnership building; and
  • Provide a channel to address issues hindering the implementation of CSR in Indonesia.

Form Registration


    Multinational CompanyLocal CompanyState-owned Enterprise