Diskusi Interaktif bersama PANSEL KPK: Tantangan KPK Kedepan dalam Korupsi Swasta

On July 3rd 2019, IBL and Transparency International Indonesia organized an interactive discussion with KPK’s Leader Selection Committee in Jakarta, with theme Diskusi Interaktif bersama Panitia Seleksi Calon Pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (the selection of candidates for the leadership of Corruption Eradication Commission) 2019-2023. The objective of this event was to receive advice from private sectors related to the recruitment of future KPK leaders who has the comprehensive vision on corruption prevention and eradication.

The dialogue was triggered by three distinguished panelist speakers, Mrs. Yenti Ganarsih as Chair of Candidate Selection Committee for KPK’ Chairperson, Mr. Heru Prasetyo as Chair, IBL Board of Patrons, and Mrs. Natalia Soebagjo as Board Member of Transparency International. This panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Basrie Kamba, IBL Board of Management.

From the discussions carried out, here are some hopes for the KPK leadership in the future: KPK leaders in the future will be able to encourage improvements in the business climate that is free of corruption; KPK leaders in the future will be able to orchestrate the anti-corruption movement in the private sector with various parties, including the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary; and KPK leaders in the future have a strategic plan in preventing and eradicating corruption that is integrated, measured and has an impact on a business climate that is free of corruption. The Chair of IBL, Mr. Heru Prasetyo emphasized “if the private sector is not involved, the fight against corruption is a hollow dream”.