About Us

Indonesia Business Links (IBL) is a not-for-profit organization, establish in response to the Indonesian economic crisis 1998. The organization aims to contribute towards the creation of sound and ethical business practices in the country.

The organization is an offshoot of a multi-stakeholder discussion held during the Annual World Bank Conference in October 1998 in Washington DC. This meeting led to a consensus on the need to establish a private organization with the aim to help improve the state of corporate governance in Indonesia. The discussion was facilitated by representatives from the World Bank, ADB, UNDP and The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum (PW-IBLF) as well as non-government agencies and organizations. Subsequent discussions held in Indonesia, initiated by PW-IBLF and participated by multinational companies, multilateral agencies and local non-government agencies, gave rise to establish of IBL. Its first programme was inaugurated at a reception hosted by British ambassador on 9th December 1999 in Jakarta.

Since 1999, IBL has been actively promoting ethical business practices by organizing workshop or capacity building program for small and medium enterprises. IBL’s scope of activities quickly expanded to include advocacy, diffusion of information and knowledge about corporate responsibility, as well as actively pushing collaboration and partnership between the private sector, government and NGOs to achieve sustainable development. IBL is committed to provide information and knowledge about corporate responsibility to companies and other stakeholder in Indonesia.


Business Principles

Ensuring honesty
and integrity

Ensuring honesty and integrity in every aspect of work by acting in good faith

Respecting our
social environment

Respecting our social environment by maintaining an active partnership with the community.

People are
valuable resources

Acknowledging that people are our most valuable resources.

a fair return

Providing a fair return to our suppliers of goods and services

Respect for
our environment

Demonstrating respect for our physical environment by adhering to company, national, and international standards.


our clients

Satisfying our clients, including those within our own organization, with the timely provision of goods and/or services to agreed specifications.

Abiding by

Abiding by Indonesian and international laws.


Our Vision

To be a sustainable advocate of ethical and responsible businesses in Indonesia and be recognized for it

Our Mission

To develop and strengthen the integrity and capacity of corporations, small/medium enterprises, and individual professionals in collaboration with their development partners including government and civil societies, for practicing ethical and responsible business principle.


  1. To increase awareness of businesses and their supply chain on integrity in implementing responsible business
  2. To empower Individuals in all sectors with necessary capacity on sustainable business.
  3. To foster collaboration on sustainable development initiatives.
  4. To improve internal capacity of the Foundation, including the establishment of commercial entity(s), for delivering its mission professionally and sustainably.
IBL is one of founding members of ASEAN CSR Network
IBL supports Global Compact and a member of Indonesia Global Compact Network
IBL is a member of Business and Philantropy Forum for SDGs
IBL is a member of Alliance for Integrity

Our Team


Heru Prasetyo (Chairman)
Tuti Hadiputranto
Felia Salim
Chrysanti Hasibuan-Sedyono


Lily Widjaja (Chair)
Y.W. Junardy
Pradakso Hadiwidjojo


Nia Sarinastiti (Chair)
Basrie Kamba (Vice Chair)
Hendronoto Soesabdo (Secretary)
Tom Malik (Treasurer)
Parmaningsih Hadinegoro
Sinta Kaniawati
Yanti Triwadiantini
Nurdiana Darus


Acting Executive Director : Yayan Cahyana
Senior Program Manager : Adi Nur Setiadi
External Relation and Communication Coordinator : Insan Faqihantara
Finance Manager : Florencia Devi
Finance Officer : Bambang Fitriyanto
Associate Project Coordinator : Noor Intan


Associate Program Manager : Fahmi Tibyan
Associate Program Officer : Rijal Syaiful