- December 3, 2015
- Posted by: Admin IBL
- Category: IBL News
Action Forum for Indonesia Responsible Business
Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 17 – 18 December 2015
Indonesia Business Links (IBL) is pleased to host the Action Forum for Indonesia Responsible Business : Doing Partnership to Leave Poverty Behind. The event comprises of:
i) Day 1: Opening and Plenary Sessions in the morning, and four (4) parallel workshops in the afternoon.
Co-hosted by:
• TNP2K (Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan), Office of Vice President, Rep. Indonesia
• ASEAN CSR Network
• National Platform (PLANAS) Disaster Risk Reduction
• Accenture
ii) Day 2: Two (2) consecutive Learning Forum
Co-hosted by:
• CitiPEKA and Citi Foundation
Main objectives of the Forum are : (i) to provide proof positive that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is about shared values not merely charity; (ii) to elevate partnership for development among private sector, government, and civil society from dialogue to real action; and (iii) to encourage real and immediate actions in the area of transparency, disaster preparedness and youth empowerment.
On behalf of all Co-hosting Partners, I cordially invite you to attend this event. All cost of the Forum is shouldered by IBL and all the partners. Kindly find enclosed the Information/Agenda and Registration Form.
It is highly recommended that your relevant colleagues also attend those parallel workshops according to their port-folio in the company.
We encourage your on-line registration or you may fill in the Registration Form and send it back to us via email: ibl@ibl.or.id or fax. [+62 21] 5793 2603. For more details about this event, you can find the agenda here.
Yours sincerely,
Lily Widjaja
Conference Director