- October 17, 2017
- Posted by: Admin IBL
- Category: IBL News

The Issuance of Regulation of the Indonesia Supreme Court No. 13/2016 (Peraturan Mahkamah Agung or PERMA 13/2016) on December 2016 marks an important milestone in the fight against corruption in Indonesia. PERMA 13/2016 provides operating procedures for the judges when dealing with cases involving corporate criminal offences.
PERMA 13/2016 explicitly requires corporations to take active steps to prevent a crime, as inaction leading to a crime can lead to prosecution. This should be a call for corporations to start looking into their internal policies to make sure that they have a set of company policies in place to deal with corporate crimes, so that they may limit their exposure to being entangled in a crime.
On October 5th 2017, Indonesia Business Links organized Business Executive Briefing in Jakarta with theme “Implication of PERMA 13/2016 on Corporate Criminal Liability to The Business”. The objective of this 2-hour session is to provide updated information regarding the issuance of PERMA 13/2016, discussed the consequence of this regulation to the business and gather feedbacks from business leaders and executives on how business will respond to the implication constructively.
The discussion was triggered by three distinguished panelist speakers, Mr. Laode M. Syarif as Commissioner of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Mr. Heru Prasetyo as Chairman, Board of Patrons, Indonesia Business Links, and Mrs. Yanti Triwadiantini as Chair, ASEAN CSR Network. This discussion was moderated by Mr. Hendronoto Soesabdo from Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Partners.