Digitalisation & Compliance: The Way Forward

Digitalisation has been the way forward since the beginning of the century. Still, last year, it was given a powerful push by the pandemic, when the world had to adapt to a “New Normal”, both professionally and personally, in a short period of time. Digitalisation can make integrity and compliance efforts more cost-efficient for companies, and there is already some progress made in this regard.

The Alliance for Integrity has been working on digital tools to promote transparency for some time now. TheIntegrityApp, a self-assessment tool developed for organisations to evaluate their compliance management systems, has already been well received. The Alliance for Integrity is now working on a Digital Risk Assessment Feature. Risk is often viewed as negative for a company, but it is always advisable to understand and prioritise risks, allocate resources accordingly and prepare for mitigations. The Alliance for Integrity has developed a feature to digitalise this risk-assessment, helping companies plan their activities.

This Side Event of our 4th Global Conference focuses on the role of digitalisation, the market needs and gaps and how to work on them.

