- January 2, 2023
- Posted by: Admin IBL
- Category: IBL News
Dear IBL Associates and Partners,
In the last three years Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, which has shaken various sectors of life. Not only the health sector, but also economic, educational, socio-cultural, and other sectors.
As an NGO of corporations, Indonesia Business Links (IBL) remains fully commitment to deliver its mission to raising awareness of business practitioners on responsible business principles, IBL is continually active to encouraging ethical behavior and integrity, especially in the private sector in Indonesia.
During the pandemic era, IBL modified the delivery of programs with online activities. However, there are several activities that we must conduct face-to-face with strict health protocols and also considering the zone status of the area which is sourced get from the Indonesian government’s task force.
IBL has implemented various programs and activities embodied in three pillars: Integrity, Capacity and Sustainability. The implementation of activities is adapted to post-pandemic conditions, especially related to issues of integrity and economic recovery by developing the entrepreneurial capacity of the younger generation, including vulnerable groups and women.
Please find below a few key 2022 highlights:
- Together with affiliate partners for the pillar Integrity, IBL and the Alliance for Integrity (Afin) held training both online and offline in Bandung and Jayapura. This training aims to share steps and good practices that can be taken to mitigate and prevent corruption. The training was conducted in January, May, July and August 2022. Yanto Sidik, an Associate IBL Business Mentor, become one of the facilitators in the training.
- Fully supported by the Citi Foundation, Indonesia Business Links (IBL) continues to strive to prepare the young generation for Golden Indonesia 2045 by equipping young people with both soft skills and hard skills through the Skilled Youth program. This program reaches more than 2,850 young people in the Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, Karawang Regency, Purwakarta Regency, Bandung Regency and its surroundings. The Program has played an active role in efforts to improve and empower generational resources with good quality so that they are ready to enter the industrial world, both as employees and as entrepreneurs.
- In collaboration with Accenture, IBL held the #UMKMNaikKelas Scale UP Program in May until August. This program aims to increase the capacity of MSME players in Indonesia in expanding market share and branding products to increase sales. More than 70 MSME participants took part in a series of activities ranging from interactive webinars, technical guidance to one-on-one coaching clinics with the experts.
- Building an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem through the Young Skilled Entrepreneurship Program (Muda Terampil Berusaha/MTB) which is fully supported by UNDP Indonesia (United Nation Development Program). IBL held Basic Entrepreneurship Training that reached 325 people with a focus on beneficiaries in the youth category and women’s groups in three area of Lampung Province: West Coast District, Metro City and Bandar Lampung. This activity involved youth groups, the MSME community, universities and local governments in Lampung province.
- For sustainability issues of the programs, IBL conducted assistance and capacity building for Skilled Young Houses (Rumah Muda Terampil/RMT) in the Mojokerto area, East Java and West Java: Bandung Regency, Purwakarta Regency, and Bekasi Regency.
- Monitoring the development of community-based waste management in Cibeureum Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency, West Java. IBL facilitates production permits and distribution permits, as well as equipment for the production of liquid fertilizer from kitchen waste to be used as fertilizer. Previously, waste banks could only collect around 100 kg of waste per day. From that amount they make liquid fertilizer, so they can harvest 200 liters of fertilizer every three months. With IBL’s assistance in the form of fertilizer production equipment and a management site, they can produce 200-250 liters of fertilizer per month.
- To enhancing capacity for women group “Kebaya” (Kelompok Bahagia Berkarya) in Pantai Bahagia Village, Muara Gembong, Bekasi Regency, IBL conducted training the practice of natural dyes using the jumputan technique and making pastes made from mangroves. The training was held on March 6, 2022.
- Indonesia Business Links through Rumah Muda Terampil program conducted two talk shows and virtual exhibitions with the themes: 1) Eco fashion trend in 2022, with speaker from Arva Resaro Boutique, Ms. Arva. The event was held on March 5, 2022; and 2) Fashion Creations made from Natural Colors with speaker from Warlami (Indonesian Natural Color Association), Mrs. Myra Widiono, Chairperson of Warlami. The event was held on August 6, 2022.
- For sustainability and development entrepreneurial skills, RMT Mojokerto took part at two events in East Java: 1) The bazaar in commemoration of the 2022 Mojokerto Regency National Waste Care Day (Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional) in Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java. The event was held by the Mojokerto Regency Government on February 22, 2022; 2) the MSME and BUMN Bazaar which was held on 13-15 July 2022 at Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Mojosari, Mojokerto. On that occasion, JuwanaJuwono, one of the social enterprises from Rumah Muda Terampil, participated in one of the booths to show the beneficiaries creations from the RMT program such as natural dyed fabrics, scarves, pouches, and Meghan dresses with Shibori motifs.
- Acting Executive Director of Indonesia Business Links (IBL), Yayan Cahyana was invited as speakers at the Executive Gathering with theme: Acceleration of Digital Transformation and CSR Sustainability in Industry 4.0. The event was held by XL Axiata Business Solutions on September 7, 2022 at the Batiqa Hotel, Karawang, West Java, and attended by more than 60 company representatives located in the Suryacipta Industrial Estate, Karawang, West Java.
- Indonesia Business Links also participated in projects run by Accenture Development Partnerships on behalf of Prospera – Australia Indonesia Partnerships for Economic Development on Piloting Kartu Pra-Kerja and Business Process Reengineering for Jakpreneur Program.
All of those activities and achievements have been accomplished successfully with support from you, our associates, and partners. We highly appreciate the collaboration!
Best regards,
IBL’s Board and Executive Team