Muda Terampil Program Update

Muda Terampil program is an activity that provide life skills and entrepreneurship training with a seed funding from Accenture. The objectives of the program are to reduce unemployment among young people (18 -29 years) through empowerment skills, job placement support and manage the business in Karawang and Cikarang (Bekasi district), West Java Province, Indonesia.

Life skill training objectives are: The youth have a deep understanding of life skills that have character and a good work ethics; Youth have positive attitude and can be able to adapt facing the demands and challenges of everyday life effectively; Youth able to apply lifeskill lessons for themselves as well as for the family, the environment and the company. Life skills training using material from ‘Passport to Success’ (PTS) which consists of personal competence, problem solving, effective work habits, healthy behaviour and volunteerism. Total material will be presented in 30 subjects/ material. The Trainers have been certified by the International Youth Foundation to teach PTS.

After lifeskill training, participants will be divided into two specializations called Employability (Muda Terampil Bekerja) and Entrepreneurship (Muda Terampil Berusaha). Employability Activities are Job Counselling, Technical Skill, and Job Placement Services. The beneficiaries can fulfill the qualification administration requested by the company, participants can follow the work placement test. Muda Terampil Program also provides information on the qualifications of company recruitment that can be met by the beneficiaries.

On the other hand, Entrepreneurship activities includes Entrepreneurship Awareness and Preparedness, Entrepreneurship Training, Mentoring and Coaching, and Business Consultation Day (BCD). Accenture employees were involved in the activities by providing volunteer.

Total achievement for Socialization & Recruitment until May 2015 is 265 youths. And total achievement for life skill training until May 2015 is 234 youths.