One-Day Training Partnership “Managing Effective Partnership for Development” Batch 2

Managing multi-sector partnership is extremely important in achieving inclusive and meaningful outcomes for sustainable development. However, such cross-sector partnership is often difficult and involves complex situation that is far behind the expectation of stakeholders. Multi-sector collaboration requires the support by expertise for managing collaborative processes.  For that, action partners or intermediary organizations are needed to navigate the process by being a catalyst, facilitator, coordinator, mediator, advisor, and negotiator. Such roles involve competence which is based on both science and art.

After successfully Batch 1, Indonesia Business Links had conducted the one-day training partnership Batch 2 “Managing Effective Partnership for Development” on 13 August 2015, with compliment venue of Marquee Executive Offices, Jakarta. Present As the trainer is Yanti Triwadiantini, certified trainer, Partnership Brokering Association and Executive Director, Indonesia Business Links.

The topics for this training were Multi Sector Partnering for Development: The Complexity Challenge, Complexity in practice: Case Studies from Practitioners, featuring corporate cases, Models of partnership – what will it take for them to maximize impact? and What needs to change?

The Sharing session was presented by Nor Hiqmah, Fundraising Coordinator from PIRAC who share about challenges in dealing with corporate and communities. She emphasize the importance of creating action plan based on the result of needs assessment. She added that the program must be socialized to communities in order to build their commitment, because the program will be succeed if communities have knowledge about benefits of the program.

From Business sector, Sudaryoko from Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE-ONWJ) shared his experiences in corporate, especially in oil and gas industry. He also shared knowledge about the importance of building communication among stakeholders. There is the a need to form a discussion group with local government, community leader, and local communities. He added the importance of a process in carry out problem identification and stakeholders mapping. Corporate should be thinking long-term the program, not only output of the program but also impact to society.

In general, the expectations from participants through this training are to have better understanding on partnership among participants and their myriad roles; participants obtained clear picture about brokering skills and its implications to their organization/unit; and participants learned to use reflective method for improving their skills in practicing brokering roles in their works.

In last session, Yanti reminded to the participants about three core principles on build partnership: Equity leads to Respect; Transparency leads to Trust; and Mutual benefit leads to Sustainability.