Integrity – Based Program

IBL believes that integrity is a fundamental principle that should be implemented in doing business to create prosperity for all. Business Ethics or Integrity is one of the main reason for the establishment of IBL. Since its early days IBL has been doing many programs and activities to promote ethical business practices, as well as anti-corruption/bribery, and provide assistance needed by the private sector to build capacity in implementing them.

IBL has been working with several like-minded organizations such as KPK, CIPE, ASEAN CSR Network, GIZ, UK FCO, USAID Cegah, Kemitraan, Transparency International Indonesia, ICW, and corporation such as Siemens, Chevron, ExxonMobil, ITM, BHP Billiton and others as well as with business association such as KADIN, APINDO, Gakeslab, and others.

In 2014, IBL has launched Indonesia Integrity Initiative (, a collective action among business stakeholders on promoting and implementing business integrity.

Implementing Partners

On implementing its initiatives, IBL always involves its partners – in national, regional or international context – to work together to achieve targeted goals. Here is list of our past and recent partners:

National Partners

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) or Commission on Corruption Eradication – since 2005, IBL in collaboration with KPK promoting business with integrity Indonesia. IBL has been actively engaging with KPK in establishment of National and Regional Advocacy Committee

KADIN – Koalisi Untuk Pengusaha Anti Suap (KUPAS); this is an anti-corruption and -bribery coalition of Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Transparency International Indonesia – a national chapter of Transparency International, which is actively implementing programs and research on anti-corruption issues.

Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) – a chapter of UN Global Compact, which is emphasizing on practicing its 10 good business principles, including anti-corruption principle.

Alliance for Integrity (AfIn) – a business driven multi-stakeholder initiative between private sector, civil society, political organisations and international institutions. IBL is an active member of AfIn since 2016.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) – a non government organization whose primary mission is to monitor and report to the public incidents of corruption in Indoensia. In 2017 alongside with Polling Center, IBL and ICW conducted national anti corruption survey in health sector

CEGAH (meaning prevent in Indonesian Bahasa) project – an anti-corruption program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), designed to strengthen Indonesia’s community of accountability by providing integrated capacity building efforts for the judiciary, executive, and independent agencies; civil society; media; and the private sector at both the national and subnational levels. The program aims to reduce corruption by addressing its root causes and by strengthening the Indonesian government’s ability to implement effective counter-measures.

Regional & International Partners

IBLF, an organization initiated by Prince of Wales, UK

APEC Working Group on Anti Corruption

ILO, especially on business ethics’ labor issues.

APEC Working Group on Anti Corruption

ASEAN CSR Network, a network organization comprising like-minded organizations in ASEAN focused on practicing ethical business and good CSR

Integrity Initiative Inc., a private sector led- initiative which proven effective in the Philippines led by the Makati Business Club and European Commission Chambers of Philipppines (ECCP).

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), a donor organization which has focuses on democracy and business ethics, located in USA.

IBL is part of the Regional Working Group on Business Integrity in ASEAN “Integrity Has No Borders”

Recent Activities

The panel discussion, with themed : Tanggapan, Ekspektasi, dan Antisipasi Pelaku Usaha dalam Penerapan Tindak Pidana oleh Korporasi”. The spakers are Prof. Dr. Todung Mulya Lubis, SH., L.LM. (Praktisi Hukum) and Mr. Noke Kiroyan (Managing Partners, Kiroyan Partners). This panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Heru Prasetyo.

Press Conference “A National Anti-Corruption Survey”. Jakarta, July 20th 2017. Left to right: Heny Susilowati (Senior Researcher Polling Centre), Frazna Fadillah (as Moderator – Polling Centre), Laode M. Syarif (Vice Chair Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission – KPK), Yanuar Nugroho (Deputi II Office of the Presidential Staff of the Republic of Indonesia), and Febri Hendri (Indonesia Corruption Watch – ICW).

Indonesia Business Links organized Business Executive Briefing in Jakarta themed “Implication of PERMA 13/2016 on Corporate Criminal Liability to Business”. The objective was to provide updated information regarding the issuance of PERMA 13/2016, to discuss the consequence of this regulation and to gather feedbacks from business leaders and executives on how business will respond to the implication constructively.

Indonesia Business Links (IBL), along with one of IBL’s strategic partner on business integrity, Alliance for Integrity (AfIN) Indonesia, held Integrity Forum: “Promoting Business by Promoting Integrity” & Launch of the Indonesian No Excuses Guide in Jakarta, 10 August 2017. The event is open to representatives from the private sector, the public sector, civil society, international institutions, and academia.

to raise issues regarding The Issuance of Regulation of the Indonesia Supreme Court No. 13/2016 (Peraturan Mahkamah Agung or PERMA 13/2016), IBL conducted Indonesia Integrity Initiative Forum 2017 Surabaya on October 10th 2017 at Surabaya, to provide a dialogue forum for private sectors about business integrity practices.

On November 1, 2016, IBL has convened all business communities and stakeholders to discuss on how the private sector could participate and contribute on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, while strengthening its best practices on doing business with integrity and ethical principle.

The Corruption Eradication Movement (KPK) through the PROFIT Movement (Profesional Berintegritas) initiates the formation of Regional Advocacy Committee (KAD) in all provinces in Indonesia. Eight KADs were formed in 2017, and followed by another 26 KADs in 2018.

As a strategic partner of KPK, IBL contributed with assisting the activation of KAD through the implementation of Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) in six provinces: North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Banten, East Java, South Sulawesi, and North Maluku.