YES! Club Insight

YES Club Insight

YES Clubs are a monthly training activity aimed to provide youth support and training to strengthen their businesses. Club meetings are designed to be engaging and structured activities that are casual and serious. It is planned that each participating college will have its own YES Club, and currently there are clubs at LP3I Depok and a club for youth from multiple campuses in Cawang. Youth participating in the Cawang club are expected to establish clubs at their own campuses in the coming months. During the first six months of the clubs’ activities the program will closely support each YES Club, train participants to take leadership roles, and assist in coordinating and facilitating the activities. These efforts will build sustainability of the clubs at each campus.

Two YES Club activities have occurred so far, one at each site. On 27 February 2015, 22 youth attended a meeting at LP3I Depok. The club meeting was facilitated by Action Coach Mr. Ari Nugrahanto, a business consulting firm, who spoke about Human to Human Marketing. On 24 March 39 youth, and one AWARE program teacher, attended a meeting in Cawang. Two JPMorgan Jakarta staff and one Accenture staff presented during the meeting. JPMorgan staffs Pak Yunus Shahab and Ibu Yenita presented about financial institutions in Indonesia. Pak Dedi Wibowo a conventional and Islamic banking expert talked about his business experience, including starting a new business and business permit, and accessing finance.