The EquipYouth program covers Batam, Karawang, Bekasi (Cikarang, Cibitung, Bantar Gebang), and Cileungsi. In order to achieve a satisfactory result, IBL were assisted by the companies and institutions from various background to carry out multiple trainings and activities such as basic life skills training, technical training, companies visit, job placement, and Human Resource Forum Group Discussion.

Stakeholder forum is an event for sharing and discussing regarding any attempt related to youth empowerment that has been done. What kind of challenges that stakeholders (government, company, school, and society) are currently facing, especially for our targeted area.

In October 20th, 2017, IBL conducted Stakeholder Forum in Karawang. The main objectives of this activity are: (i) Identifying any efforts that could be done by multi stakeholder in order to resolve unemployment problem in West Java, especially unemployment in youth; (ii) Identifying a suitable employee characteristic that fit with working culture on industrial world; (iii) Identifying any efforts that has been done in order to build youth characteristics by related stakeholders and what are the challenges; (iv) Identifying an effective way of communication for link & match between industrial and educational side; (v) As a learning forum towards strenghten and empowerment of youth.

Involved on this forum are: Mr. Eka Sanatha as Kepala Bappeda Karawang (Head of Regional Development Planning Agency of Karawang District); Mr. Rahmat Sugandi as Kabid Bappeda Karawang (Head of Economic Division of Regional Development Planning Agency of Karawang District); and Mr. Bilal Dwi Nugraha as CEO PT Bina Daya Nugraha which deliver the importance of soft skills and the implementation in daily life, especially in work place.

The forum was generated some important note to be taken note upon. The summary of the result is:
It is indeed a necessity to have a proper soft skill for every vocational graduated student in West Java in order to compete to get a prospective job. While technical skill could be learned throughout constant working, a soft skill should have been given and stimulated since an early stage to shape a competitive mindset, while also having positive attitude.


In response of the ending of the Equip Youth III Program, IBL is trying to arrange a meeting all of the related party which are government, private sector, and civil community in a closing program activity. Aside serve as a closing event, this forum will also held a discussion and sharing experiences session about the character building of youth (school students / employees / community) implemented by multi parties. It is also expected that there will be formed a multi-stakeholder partnership in order to reduce the number of unemployed youth in Indonesia, especially in Batam.

Both beneficiaries and IBL partners were having an opportunity to express their thought about Equip Youth Program. Ories Tiana Vitriani and Aldianto from SMKN 1 Batam said that they were grateful for joined Equip Youth program because it has increased his capacity, such as shaping dicipline and mentality, building self confidence,  improving public speaking skill, and polishing intitiative and creativity. While Ibu Agustia Wulandari HR Manager from PT Phillips Batam said that there were difference in self-quality between Equip Youth graduated on Phillips Batam and the rest. She explained that employee who has joined Equip Youth program are having more positive attitude and character. The major difference between them is the readiness whenever given any new challenge or opportunity. Bapak Ramadhan Usman Section Manger from Caterpillar Batam also express similiar thing about Equip Youth graduated on Caterpillar Batam. Equip Youth beneficiaries are paying more attention to detail and fast-response to any given tasks.

The goals of the forum are (a) as an evaluation event for finished Equip Youth Program, to gather new perspective and deciding what is the required step to improve for better future; (b) endorsing a positive impression about the importance of soft skill in everyday use, especially in professional world; and (c) setting example and giving motivation about character development so that they could reach maximum productivity in work.


IBL held a soft skills training at SMK Hasanudin as an initial step of IBL’s assistance in the Empower Youth for Work (EYW) program. This program aims to provide understanding and motivation to the youth about the importance of soft skill training. 37 participants were joined in training came from members of the Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) of Indramayu District. This training was given to PSHT to improve the quality if their characters.

This event was held from 25-29 October 2017. At first day of the training, the participants are given understanding of the importance of self-worth, in the family environment, community, school, or the world of work. The topic was delivered by Harmini Simanungkalit, as the Program Manager of IBL. Harmini explained that soft skill training will be very beneficial to provide increased insight, attitude, and personality of young people because soft skill abilities are not taught in the school environment, but rather from a process of life experience and environmental influences.

Indonesia Business Links (IBL) with several organisations, such as Aliansi Desa Sejahtera and AKVO, are involving in Empowering Youth for Work Program. It is a collaborative youth economic empowerment which coordinated by OXFAM. The Empower Youth for Work (EYFW) project in Indonesia aims to reduce poverty in rural coastal areas that are prone to the impact of climate change, by empowering youth (especially young women) to secure viable employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.